Barcelona Boat Show 2022

Marina Estrella en el salón náutico de Barcelona 2022






Marina Estrella will be present at the Barcelona International Boat Show 2022. This great event for nautical lovers will take place from October 12 to 16.

The Marina Estrella team will not miss this great opportunity to advise you on the purchase of the boat that best suits your dreams and needs.

As you know, at Marina Estrella we are official distributors for Hanse Yachts, Azimut Yachts, Moody and Nautor Swan, Fountaine Pajot and Ryck Yachts. We will have the following models on display at the iconic location of Marina Estrella: The island at the end of the Moll d’Espanya in Port Vell.

Azimut Yachts:

Azimut 53 Flybridge

Azimut S7

Azimut Magellano 53

Hanse Yachts:

Hanse 388

Hanse 418

Hanse 460

Hanse 510 – World presentation of the new Hanse model

Nautor Swan

Nautor Swan 48 (sail yacht)

Nautor Swan Shadow 42 (motor yacht)


Ryck 280

Our team will also be able to assist you at the official Stand of the Fountaine Pajot shipyard where the following models will be exhibited:

Isla 40

Elba 45

Aura 51

In addition, the Marina Estrella Charter team will be present in its entirety to show the large fleet they offer for rent and the latest news. Don’t miss out on our special discounts if you book your vacation during this event. Come and meet us and let us help you for your next charter!

Contact us to make an appointment!

Call or WhatsApp +34 669 73 70 05



Salón Náutico de Barcelona 2022

Marina Estrella en el salón náutico de Barcelona 2022






Marina Estrella estará presente en el salón náutico Internacional de Barcelona 2022. Este gran evento para los amantes de la náutica tendrá lugar del 12 al 16 de octubre.

El equipo de Marina Estrella no se perderá esta gran ocasión para asesorarte en la compra del barco que más se adecúe a tus sueños y necesidades.

Como sabes, en Marina Estrella somos distribuidores oficiales de Hanse Yachts, Azimut Yachts, Moody y Nautor Swan,  Fountaine Pajot y  Ryck Yachts. Tendremos expuestos los siguientes modelos en el icónico emplazamiento de Marina Estrella: La isla  al final del Moll d´Espanya en Port Vell.

Azimut Yachts:

Azimut 53 Flybridge

Azimut S7

Azimut Magellano 53

Hanse Yachts:

Hanse 388

Hanse 418

Hanse 460

Hanse 510 – Presentación mundial del nuevo modelo del astillero Hanse

Nautor Swan

Nautor Swan 48 (vela)

Nautor Swan Shadow 42 (motor)


Ryck 280

Nuestro equipo podrá atenderte también en el Stand oficial del astillero Fountaine Pajot donde se expondrán los siguientes modelos:

Isla 40

Elba 45

Aura 51

Además el equipo de Marina Estrella Charter estará presente al completo para mostrar la gran flota de la que dispone y las últimas novedades. No te pierdas nuestros descuentos especiales si reservas tus vacaciones durante este evento. Acércate a conocernos y déjate aconsejar por nosotros.

¡Contacta con nosotros para concertar una cita!

Llamada y WhatsApp +34 669 73 70 05



Sailing in winter in Spain – advise and advantages

Navegar en Invierno
Rent a boat in winter in Spain with Marina Estrella Charter

Are you looking for different plans for this winter?

Renting a boat is the perfect option whether you want to enjoy a romantic stay with your partner, organize a getaway with friends or spend a few days with your family.

Do you have some days off in sight and want to take advantage of it? Looking for planes for weekends? The cold is no excuse not to enjoy your free time in winter, spend time outdoors and enjoy sailing along the coast. Rent a boat!

navegando - puesta de sol
Sailing in a beautiful place in silence

When the summer ends, and with the arrival of the cold, the planes tend to focus more on enjoying the mountains, the snow, or even stay at home, rather than sailing. However, in Spain and the Mediterranean we are very lucky to be able to enjoy the sea all year round, since we do not suffer as much from storms and extreme temperatures as other northern countries do.

As a consequence, winter navigation is a good option for sea lovers, and for all those who are used to renting boats. Now it´s a really good moment for boat charter

Advantages of sailing in autumn and winter:

Winter navigation can provide us with really pleasant moments, with great added attractions such as anchoring alone in coves normally crowded with boats, clearly observing the seabed thanks to the crystal clear waters without the need to dive, or simply sailing aimlessly and without hurry, warmly dressed and enjoying our wonderful coasts.

The great offers and discounts and in general the lowest rental prices allow you to enjoy very new and spacious boats in a very affordable way. Also, it is possible to rent boats for day trips or for weekends a more complicated matter in summer, since most of the boats are rented for full weeks.

This allows, in addition to enjoying the sea, to gain experience sailing and add hours of sailing to the nautical curriculum. Autumn and winter are the perfect times to practice leisurely sailing and learn about weather conditions

Alquila un catamarán en invierno
The charter low rate permits to try different models and type of boats

Points to consider:

On these types of dates, when temperatures are low, it is essential to prepare and protect yourself. The most important thing is to protect your head from the cold, with a technical or wool hat. You also have to cover your hands and feet properly if you don’t want to lose sensitivity due to the cold. And for the rest of the body, there is a wide variety of technical or sports clothing with water resistance on the market. At certain temperatures, covering yourself with water is just as important as covering yourself with the cold. In this sense, it is also convenient to carry some dry spare clothes on board, which will help in case we get wet, for example, our feet.

Sailing in winter
Wear appropriate winter clothes is neccesary

Drinking hot drinks and cold foods that give us the right dose of energy is also essential.Another tip not to forget is to secure electronics and communication before leaving. Check the proper functioning of the radio, check the charge of the mobile phone and of course, check the weather forecast, always checking that no showers or storms are expected. o It is also important to inform someone on land of our navigation plans, route, time of arrival at the destination, etc.

Plans and destinations

At Marina Estrella Charter we can help you rent a boat in winter. We have offers and discounts to enjoy weekends or day charters from October to March. Contact us and we will propose different plans for you to choose the one that best suits your tastes.


Enjoy the sun and the good temperatures that Valencia offers you during most of the year. Rent a sailboat, we have available from 30 feet to 45 feet in length to adapt to your group.


Enjoy a day trip aboard one of our incredible skippered motor boats or one of our sailboats. Visit Tabarca, enjoy its traditional cauldron, and enjoy such pleasant temperatures all year round that you may even be able to take a dip!

Take advantage of the knowledge of our skippers to learn a little more about sailing on a sailboat, or relax and enjoy the tranquility of the sea with your family or with your group of friends.

Isla de Tabarca
Tabarca Island is more peacefull and shows its essence out of summer months


Although a priori we usually think of Galicia as a place with a very rainy and cold climate, the reality is that the Rias Baixas have very pleasant temperatures during most of the year, and a weather that allows us to enjoy its incredible coasts. Rent a charter boat in Vigo and enjoy the navigation, the wonderful Cies and Ons islands, and of course its rich gastronomy

Islas Cies
Cies Islands can be visited all the year

Canary Islands:

The queen islands of navigation in winter, the Canary Islands allow you to enjoy a summer vacation throughout the year. We have a large fleet of sailboats for rent, but we can also offer you day trips on motor boats, manned catamarans…

Discover the Canary Islands with us, and live the incredible experience of sailing along its coasts. We highlight the offers for Christmas.

Sail with warm temperatures during all the year in Canary Islands

In summary, these are just some of the destinations that we can offer you in winter. If you want to make a trip in other country than Spain, the Mediterranean is a good option to sail all year round. Wether you want to move further afield, we suggest further destinations such as the Caribbean to enjoy sailboats, catamarans and motor boats for rent. .

Call us and let us advise you!

Call and WhatsApp: 0034 669 737 005
















Personal Boat Shopper, the new comprehensive service of Marina Estrella

The “Personal Boat Shopper” service is here, and it will allow Marina Estrella’s  customers to leave 100% of the search process for their next boat in the hands of their professional team, whether it is for purchase or for rent.

This support is born from the commitment of the nautical company to seek new options that allow its clients to obtain a personalized and quality service.

With the “Personal Boat Shopper” service, the experienced Marina Estrella commercial advisers and their legal, financial and technical teams will offer a comprehensive service that includes the search, selection, evaluation and negotiation of the new, used or rental boat that is being sought.

For this, the professionals of Marina Estrella will arrange a face-to-face or virtual appointment with the client to understand their navigation needs and identify the type and class of boat that best suits their needs.

Once the team has a clear vision of what the customer is looking for, the nautical experts will offer a number of options tailored to their budget, sailing programme, maintenance plan and performance.

In addition, in the case of a brokerage vessel that is not owned by Marina Estrella, they will be in charge of personally communicating with the seller of the vessel or the external broker in charge of its promotion, schedule a visit to evaluate the vessel, comply with the documentation requirements and ensure that that the customer gets the best possible price.

The new Marina Estrella service is considered an ideal option to forget worries by trusting a team with more than 40 years of experience in the nautical sector.

Personal Boat Shopper, el nuevo servicio integral de Marina Estrella

Nace el servicio “Personal Boat Shopper” que permitirá a los clientes de Marina Estrella dejar en manos de su equipo profesional el 100% del proceso de la búsqueda del barco que desea tanto si es para compra como si es de alquiler.

Esta herramienta nace del compromiso de la empresa náutica por buscar nuevas opciones que permitan a sus clientes obtener un servicio personalizado y de calidad.

Con el servicio “Personal Boat Shopper” los experimentados asesores comerciales de Marina Estrella y sus equipos legales, financieros y técnicos ofrecerán un servicio integral que incluye la búsqueda, selección, evaluación y negociación de la embarcación nueva, de ocasión o de alquiler que se busca.
Para ello, los profesionales de Marina Estrella concertarán una cita presencial o virtual con el cliente para conocer sus necesidades de navegación e identificar el tipo y clase de embarcación que más se adapte a sus necesidades.

Una vez que el equipo tenga una visión clara de lo que el cliente está buscando, los expertos náuticos le ofrecerán una serie de opciones adaptadas a su presupuesto, estilo de vida, plan de mantenimiento y rendimiento.
Además, en caso de tratarse de una embarcación de brokerage que no sea propiedad de Marina Estrella, ellos se encargarán de comunicarse personalmente con el vendedor de la embarcación, programarán una visita para evaluar el barco, cumplirán con los requisitos de documentación y se asegurarán de que el cliente obtenga el mejor precio posible.

El nuevo servicio de Marina Estrella se plantea como una opción ideal para olvidarse de preocupaciones y confiar en un equipo con más de 40 años de experiencia en el sector náutico.



From September 15th to 30th 2020

We offer you the possibility of visiting privately and safely the following boats in different areas of the Spanish mainland and Balearic coasts.

Visits are only by appointment, to book your visit you can call us at: +34 935 403 900 or fill in the form that you will find in this link, indicating the model of the boat and the area where you want to visit it.











Del 15 al 30 de Septiembre 2020

Te ofrecemos la posibilidad de visitar de forma privada y segura las siguientes embarcaciones en distintas zonas del litoral peninsular y balear.

Las visitas son solo con cita previa, para reservar pueden llamarnos al: +34 935 403 900 o rellenar el formulario que encontrarás en este enlace, indicando el modelo del barco y la sede en la que desea visitarlo.










Marina Estrella at the Boot Dusseldorf

This year 2020 begins with one of the most important events in the nautical sector.

From January 18th to 26th, one of the biggest nautical events in Europe is celebrated in Dusseldorf, and Marina Estrella will not miss this winter boat show to present the novelties of the brands it represents






If you are interested in attending the Boot Dusseldorf to visit the newest models, contact us.



A part of the Marina Estrella Charter team will travel to the Boot to see the news of the best bases with which we work nationally and internationally to continue giving our customers the best and safest service.

During the two weeks of the Boat Show and the following week we can offer special discounts on most of the boats we manage to our clients

Contact with us or call us for more information

Links of Interest

Azimut yachts at the boot

Hanse, dealers and boat shows 

Moody, dealers and boat shows

Fountaine Pajot MY  and Boot Dusseldorf 

Fountaine Pajot SY and Boot Dusseldorf 

Pirelli models




Early Booking 2020 – Charter Boats Discounts

Early booking - Marinaestrella alquiler barco descuento



Early Booking is a discount for anticipate reservations for week Charters, normally for all kind of boats, in all destinations, and for Season 2020, even for summer!

This discount is valid for reservations confirmed before January 31st although some boats accept discounts also for confirmations in February.

This offer is valid in most of our fleet, and the discount will depend on the period you want to charger (larger charter, bigger discount) and on the boat. You can find your BOAT FOR CHARTER and destination HERE

Last season, more than half of our clients reserved their boats for charter with anticipation so they could get this discount, and more advantages:


Discounts: The most obvious is the discount you get for anticipate reservation. Most of our boats have 10% discount, but  if you rent for two weeks you can get up to 15% discount!

YOUR PREFERRED BOAT WILL BE AVAILABLE: if you search your boat only one or two months before your charter, it´s more than possible that all good boats are already booked and you will have to rent a boat you don’t like 100%. NOW, if you tell us what kind of boat you are looking for and your approx. budget using our QUICK COTE you will have more boats where to find the best for you!

Cheaper transfer: if you have decided to travel to Balearics or Canary islands, or your destination is not your own country… your flights, train tickets and car rental will be cheaper if you reserve them with enough time.

Enjoy from NOW! Or it´s not true that you also enjoy planning the route, looking for small coves where you swim and anchor, the best restaurants, activities to do… Our charter team will also help you about all this issues.




A charter date: You only need to know the exact date when you want to charter the boat. Maybe it can seem a bit complicated to make a decision like that with months, but, if more than 50% of our clients can, you also can! It´s not an imposible missión.

A destination: Now, as we have grown thank you to our clients, you can charter a boat with us in any place that you wish. We will find your boat in any destination and according to your budget. We offer catamarans, sailing yachts, motor yachts, great crewed yachts… If you want to visit another destination out of Spain, ask us. We will help you and you will only worry about enjoy.

Once you have made the reservation with us, you only have to think about the last details and wait for your charter time!




Telephone: 965.14.22.37 / 935.40.39.00

Mobile and What´s App: 0034 669 73 70 05

Early Booking Charter 2020 – Descuentos para alquiler de barcos

Early booking - Marinaestrella alquiler barco descuento


¿Qué es el Early Booking?


El Early Booking es un descuento para reservas anticipadas en alquileres semanales en todo tipo de embarcaciones, en cualquier destino charter y para toda la temporada 2020, ¡incluso para verano! Este descuento será válido para todas las reservas efectuadas antes del 31 de Enero del 2020, incluso en algunos de nuestros barcos con confirmación en Febrero!.

La oferta es válida en la mayoría de nuestros barcos en gestión y el descuento dependerá del periodo que desees alquilar (más descuento cuanto más tiempo deseemos alquilar) y del barco. Puedes buscar TU BARCO y destino AQUÍ

La pasada temporada 2019, más de la mitad de nuestros clientes reservaron su barco con antelación aprovechando este descuento por las grandes ventajas que te comentamos a continuación.

Ventajas del Early Booking


Descuentos: La ventaja más obvia es el descuento que obtendrás por reservar con antelación. La mayoría de nuestros barcos tienen un descuento Early Booking del 10%. En el caso de que se alquilen dos semanas consecutivas el descuento aumenta al 15%.

TU BARCO estará libre: si buscas un barco con la antelación de un mes o dos meses es muy posible que no puedas escoger el que realmente quieres y te tengas que resignar a alquilar un barco que no se ajusta 100% a lo que deseas para tu semana de vacaciones. AHORA es cuando puedes informar a nuestro equipo sobre las características que quieres  y será posible encontrarlo. Cuéntanos qué necesitas en el presupuesto exprés  y nuestro equipo te contestará con la mayor brevedad posible.

Abaratar costes: si has decidido ir a las islas, si vives en el interior y quieres viajar a la costa, si tu destino es internacional… tus billetes de avión o tren serán también mucho más económicos si reservas con antelación.

Empezar a disfrutar desde YA! O acaso puedes negar que disfrutas planificando rutas, mirando las calitas donde pernoctar o fondear de día, buscando los restaurantes mejor recomendados, informándote sobre la gastronomía del lugar… Nuestro equipo también podrá asesorarte sobre estos aspectos en el caso que alquiles un barco con o sin tripulación.

¿Qué necesitas para obtener el Early Booking?


Una fecha: Solamente es necesario saber la fecha en la que deseas alquilar una embarcación. A priori parece complicado llegar a un acuerdo con la familia o amigos con tanta antelación, pero a día de hoy más de la mitad de nuestros clientes se benefician de este descuento así que no es una misión imposible.

Un destino: Gracias al aumento del sector del charter hoy en día puedes alquilar TU BARCO en cualquier destino que nos plantees. Encontraremos el barco que se ajuste a tus necesidades: velero, lancha a motor, catamaranes, yates tripulados… Si no lo tenéis claro podéis recurrir a destinos que nunca fallan como las islas Baleares o permitir que el equipo de Marina Estrella Charter os asesore sobre el destino idóneo según vuestros gustos y presupuesto.

Una vez hayas reservado, solamente quedará ultimar los detalles del viaje (vuelos, rutas, información sobre el sitio a donde viajáis) y empezar a disfrutarlo desde YA!




Teléfono: 965.14.22.37 / 935.40.39.00

Movil y WhatsApp: 0034 669 73 70 05